Easel Painting
Easel Painting is type of painting on portable supports. The painting is mounted on a tripod. The oldest easel painting dates back to the Roman civilization. Actually, the easel painting was a kind of portable fresco.
Murals (wall paintings)
Murals (wall paintings) refer to any types of paintings drawn with any techniques or crafts, provided that their supports are walls. The important feature of murals is their close relationship to the architectural spaces for which they play a complementary role. Easel painting could be regarded as the complementary element of the architectural work but it is considered an independent work.
Oil painting
There are four layers in the oil painting namely the support, the primer, the paint layer (including the binder, ground and the canvas) and the varnish. The fourth element, i.e. the varnish, might not exist in some oil paintings.
Canvas making
Making the canvas prevents penetration of water to the support. The ground prevents penetration of the paint color to the support.
For the process of canvas making, one should make the canvas as well as the ground. The cloth functions as the support while painting on the canvas.
The support is a layer that carries the ground and the paint. It composes the structure of the painting.
The oldest portable frescos were made by Romans. In the first century A.D., there were some painters in the ancient Egyptian city of Faiyum. They were mainly portrait painters who created their works by making use of molten waxed. This technique was called the wax encaustic painting technique which was performed on linens. These cloths were places on the coffins of the dead. Some people believe that these paintings do not fall into the category of easel paintings. Some cases have been discovered where the cloth has been placed on the wooden frames.
There are six layers in murals namely the support, the primer, the canvas layer (including the binder and the ground), the paint layer and the varnish.