لوگو موزه تاریخ تجارت جندی شاپور


In order to better display its objects, Jondi Shapur Museum of Trade History has started to three-dimensionalization of objects  for the use of enthusiasts and .researchers. And it is one of the first Iranian museums that has done this valuable work

In addition to the three-dimensionalization of objects, one of the other actions of our museum is motion graphics, which displays objects in a more artistic way.

The Jondishapour Museum of Trade History has also produced short films, such as  “A simple Object” that won the bronze award of the 2023 AVICOM International Festival.

Jondishapour Museum of Trade History FIMS

عکس از یک چراغ پی سوز فلزی

3D modeling

عکس از موشن گرافی

Motion geraphics

قاشق چنگال های موزه جندی شاپور

Museums Film
